

FamBrev_Image2Our sole mission at Family Promise of Brevard is to create opportunities for families to increase their INDEPENDENCE and move from merely surviving to thriving! Today, we are entering our 63rd family, a single veteran dad who wants to provide a better life for himself and his teenage son. We are able to provide bridge housing for them through the donations of space, time, and goods from our network of 24 congregations, over 600 volunteers, donors, corporate partners and foundations!

We need you too, though, because families are the fastest growing segment of the homeless population. Brevard County School District coded 1,967 students as homeless during this past 2015-2016 school year, and this number only counts those children who are school age, not birth-5 years old, who make up roughly 40% of all children who are homeless. Ending family homelessness in Brevard County can only be solved by our combined community efforts. Brevard Homeless Coalition is made up of providers, like Family Promise of Brevard, who know that we are stronger together than alone. This is why we partner with our community to provide emergency shelter and meals, and link to other agencies and individuals to help with housing and support.

Most thankful,

Tara Pagliarini, FamProm_logo
MSW Executive Director


P.O. Box 56266 • Rockledge, FL 32956 • 321-209-3391