Indialantic Select is produced by SM Direct. We target the most prominent neighborhoods in Indialantic. Each magazine is created personally for the homeowner and direct mailed by the United States Postal Service. Each homeowner was selected exclusively for this product based on research data on household income and market value of the home. Inside the magazine are local businesses and neighbors that want to introduce themselves to the homeowner and let them know they are here to help with any of their needs. Along with local businesses, there are community events, important local numbers, and restaurant listings and features.
SM Direct’s community magazines have six unique mail areas and and focus on the local community with an upscale approach. We concentrate on two mail areas a month with distribution of 2,500 households for each area and with frequency of quarterly. There is an option available to be the exclusive advertiser in the trade.
For more information on being apart of this exclusive magazine, you can reach us at 321-633-3060 ext 1121.